Married Filing Jointly Organizers

There are several scenarios in which the organizer is delivered only to the taxpayer, delivered to the taxpayer and spouse at the same time, or delivered to the taxpayer first, then the spouse.

What happens depends on what email addresses are entered during processing, if a signature is required for the spouse, and what actions the taxpayer takes. These situations are outlined below. 

Taxpayer Email Only - No Spouse Signature Required

If an email address is only entered for the taxpayer during processing, and there is no signature control in place for the spouse, the organizer is only delivered to the taxpayer. 

The taxpayer can click Finish > Send For Review to be prompted to enter an email address for the spouse. Once the email address is confirmed, the organizer link is delivered to the spouse. The taxpayer and spouse then also receive automated organizer reminders. 

If the taxpayer clicks Finish > Organizer Complete, the spouse does not receive an access link and the organizer can no longer be edited. Only the taxpayer receives automated organizer reminders. 

Taxpayer Email Only - Spouse Signature Required

If an email address is only entered for the taxpayer during processing, and there is at least one signature control in place for the spouse, the organizer is only delivered to the taxpayer initially. 

Once the taxpayer completes signing, they are prompted to enter an email address for the spouse. Once the email address is confirmed, the organizer link is delivered to the spouse. The taxpayer and spouse then also receive automated organizer reminders. 

Taxpayer and Spouse Email Entered 

If an email address is entered for the taxpayer and the spouse during processing, the organizer is delivered to both addresses at the same time. The taxpayer and spouse then also receive automated organizer reminders. 

During processing, you can choose who to deliver to first. This person is prompted to sign first and must complete signing before the second signer can sign. The person prompted to sign first receives automated reminders to sign until signing is complete. At this point, the remaining spouse receives automated reminders to sign until signing is complete. 

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