Delivered and Archived Organizer Statuses

After an organizer is delivered to a client, it moves to the Delivered Organizers page. Its status is shown in three different columns; Signature Status, Organizer Status, and Source Document Status

When an organizer is archived by a user, it moves to the Archived Organizers page, but the statuses are identical to the Delivered Organizers page. See the entries below for more information. 


When the status is blue, it is clickable. When clicked, a pop-up box appears with additional details. 

Signature Status

Status Description
Awaiting Signature

An organizer was delivered to the client with an engagement letter, but no signers have completed the signature process. 


An organizer was delivered to the client with an engagement letter, but the signer declined to sign. 

Partially Signed

An organizer was delivered to a married filing jointly client with an engagement letter and one spouse has signed, but the other has not. 


An organizer was delivered to the client with an engagement letter, and all signers completed the signature process. 


An organizer was delivered to the client with an engagement letter, all signers completed the signature process, and a firm user downloaded the signed forms. 

Manually Signed

An organizer was delivered to the client with an engagement letter, but the signer(s) signed the documents outside of SafeSend. The firm changed the status of the document to Manually Signed. 


An organizer was delivered to the client without an engagement letter. 

Organizer Status

Status Description

An organizer was delivered to the client but has not been filled out yet. 

Partially Completed

An organizer was delivered to the client and they have begun to fill out the Custom Questions, but are not finished yet. If no Custom Questions were included, this status indicates the client has begun to fill out the organizer, but is not finished yet. 

Questionnaire Completed

An organizer was delivered to the client, they have completed the Custom Questions and have begun to fill out the organizer, but are not finished yet. 


An organizer was delivered to the client, they have filled the organizer and marked it as complete. 


An organizer was delivered to the client, they filled the organizer, marked it as completed and someone at the firm downloaded the completed organizer. 


The organizer could not be delivered to one or both recipients. 

Manually Completed

An organizer was delivered to the client, but the client completed the organizer outside of SafeSend. The firm changed the status of the document to Manually Signed. 

Source Document Status

Status Description
Awaiting Upload 

The client has not uploaded documents to their organizer yet. 


The client has uploaded documents to their organizer, but they have not clicked Complete. 


The client uploaded documents to their organizer, and someone at the firm downloaded them. If new documents are uploaded, the status will change back to Uploaded. 


The client uploaded documents to their organizer, and they clicked Complete. They will not be allowed to upload additional documents unless a firm user reopens the organizer from the action menu

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