Placing Checkboxes and Radio Buttons

Checkboxes and radio buttons can be added to Organizer documents and/or Additional E-Sign Documents during processing. For batch Organizers, this option is only available in the Additional E-Sign Documents tab. 


When placing a checkbox or radio button, the box/button should not be placed near the edge of the yellow placement box. This will ensure a successful experience for your clients. 

  1. Navigate to the Organizer or Additional E-Sign Documents tab. 
  2. Select which page you would like to add checkboxes/radio buttons to. 
  3. Drag/drop the Add Check Box Field or Add Radio Button Field onto the page. 
  4. Enter how many checkboxes you would like to add. 
  5. Select whether or not the client will be required to check the box(s). 
  6. Click Save to place the boxes. 
  7. Click the bottom left corner of the yellow box to move it. 
  8. Click the bottom right corner of the yellow box to re-size it. 
  9. Drag/drop the checkboxes or radio buttons to re-position them. 


Correct Placement


Incorrect Placement 


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