UltraTax CS® Print Settings for Organizers and Engagement Letters

This article contains information about the required print settings to use for UltraTax CS® organizers and engagement letters. For information on how to prepare batch organizers, see Uploading batch organizers.


  • You must follow these guidelines to ensure a successful upload.
  • Default settings should be used as a starting point to ensure the organizer is printed correctly.
  • The collation can be customized to include classic pages, but the General Lite Info page is required for upload.
Office Configuration
  1. Go to Setup > Office Configuration...
  2. Click on the Print Options tab.
  3. Click on Page Layout and Shading.

  4. Click on the Organizer tab and make sure the settings match what is shown below.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Click PDF File Options.

  7. Click the Options tab and make sure the settings match what is shown below.
    Office config- Step 7.jpg
  8. Click the Document Names tab.
  9. Click the field next to Organizer-ActionRequired and change it to Engagement Letter.
  10. Make sure all other settings match what is shown below.
  11. Click OK.
1040 individual settings
  1. Go to Setup > 1040 Individual...
  2. Click the Organizer tab.
  3. Make sure the settings match what is shown below.
  4. Click Modify.
    1040 Settings- Step 2-4.jpg
  5. Select Lite Client Organizer pages plus other pages in classic format.
  6. Click the checkbox next to Force Lite pages even when client does not meet Lite criteria.
  7. Click OK.
    1040 Settings- Step 5-7.jpg

Questionnaire settings


For UltraTax CS® organizer questionnaires, the following restrictions are in place:

  • Do not add or delete questions from the default set.
  • Do not change the text style from the default settings (Times New Roman 11 pt).
  1. Click Questionnaire.
  2. Go to Document > Properties.
  3. Make sure the settings match what is shown below. Questionnaire- Step 2-3.jpg
  4. Click Properties.
  5. Make sure the settings match the screenshot below.
  6. Click OK.Questionnaire- Step 4-6.jpg

Return collation settings


The correct Client Information pages must be included for the organizer to successfully upload. 

  1. Click Organizer...
    Collation- step 1.jpg
  2. Set the Print Condition to Always for:
    • Lite-1 General Info page
    • Personal Information.
    • Client Contact Information
  3. Check:
    • Include in Electronic Org
    • Include in blank Organizer.  
    • Collation- Step 2-3.jpg
  4. Click Deposit & Electronic Funds Withdrawal.
  5. Uncheck the box next to Action Items PDF.
    Collation- Step 4-5.jpg

Engagement letters (optional)

Perform the steps below to ensure engagement letters are included in your UltraTax CS® organizers.


The engagement letter must be the only page included in the Action Items PDF.

  1. Click Engagement Letter.
  2. Click Always. 
  3. Click the checkbox next to Action Items PDF.
  4. Click the checkbox next to Include in blank Organizer.Collation- EL- 1-3.jpg
Printing a single UltraTax CS® organizer

If you are printing multiple organizers, please skip to the section named Printing multiple UltraTax CS® organizers.


When printing, you must select a physical printer. Do not set the printer to Adobe® PDF. This is specific to UltraTax CS® and ensures that margins are set properly.

  1. Go to File > Print Organizer.
  2. In the Print where section, click Printer...
  3. Under the Printer dropdown, select a physical printer.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Select PDF to File in.
  6. (Optional) Click ... to change the destination location.
  7. Uncheck Password protect files.
  8. Click Assemble.
    • Print Org - Step 5-8.jpg
Printing multiple UltraTax CS® organizers

Assigning settings to clients


When printing organizers for multiple clients, UltraTax CS® limits your choices in the Print Organizers pop-up. These instructions will show you how to assign the proper settings to multiple client organizers when printing to PDF.
  1. Go to Utilities > Reassign Clients...
  2. Select clients whose organizers you will print from the list.
  3. Click Select->.
    • The clients will move to the list on the right.
      Assign batch clients- Step 2-3.jpg
  4. Click the Category drop-down and select Organizer delivery.
  5. Click the Organizer drop-down and select File (PDF).
  6. Click  Reassign.Assign Batch clients- Step 4-6.jpg

Printing multiple client organizers


When printing, you must select a physical printer. Do not set the printer to Adobe® PDF. This is specific to UltraTax CS® and ensures that margins are set properly.

  1. Go to File > Print Organizer.
  2. In the Print where section, click Printer...
  3. Under the Printer dropdown, select a physical printer.
  4. Click OK.
  5. Click Clients.
  6. Choose the clients you wish to print in the list on the left and click Select->
  7. The clients will move to the list on the right.
  8. Click OK.
    • Print batch 5-8.jpg
  9. In the Print what section, select Per client settings.
  10. Click Print.
    • Print Batch- 9-10.jpg

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Checkboxes or Text Boxes Misplaced

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